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Python email sending

I have a small code to send an email within python. However, I would like to separately define the message Subject and message main body. The 'sendmail function" however does not accept "subject" input. Please advise. Tnx

host = ""
port = 465
sender_email = "*****"
password = "****"
receiver_email = "****"
subject = "Test email"
message = "Hello World"

  smtp_ssl = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host, port)
except Exception as e:
  smtp_ssl = None

resp_code, response = smtp_ssl.login(sender_email, password)                     
smtp_ssl.sendmail(from_addr = sender_email, to_addrs = receiver_email, msg = message)  
resp_code, response = smtp_ssl.quit()


  • change

    message = "Hello World"


    subject = "My subject"
    body = "Hello World"
    message = f"Subject: {subject}\n\n{body}"

    Good luck.