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How to see the native implementation of predefined rules in Bazel

I am learning currently Bazel and after going through a few tutorials I feel like I have some basic working knowledge with it. Now I would like to dig slightly deeper and see how some of the rules I am using, like android_binary, android_sdk_repository, etc, are internally defined.

So I headed to rules_android on Github, and checked this one for example:, but as it can be seen from above, the rule definition delegates the implementation further to some native component. I checked out the source code, but I could not find anywhere where native is defined.

So what I am looking for is:

  • Some guidance on how to navigate the Bazel repo
  • And, specifically for the above example, where can I find the rule definition for native.android_sdk_repository?

Appreciate any tips.


  • The native rules are defined in two places:

    (the reason for lib/rules vs lib/bazel/rules is that the code under lib/rules is shared between Bazel and Google's internal version, while the code under lib/bazel/rules is Bazel only)

    The Android rules specifically are being re-written into Starlark, the pre-release code is in another branch:

    and NDK integration into this repo:

    android_sdk_repository specifically is here:

    You may find it easier to explore the codebase using Bazel's CodeSearch site, because it has cross-references:;bpv=0;bpt=0