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How to change the opacity of a QTTrack

I'm trying to make a QTMovie with picture in picture. I have two movies, one that is a video from a file, and one recorded with a camera.

I want the camera movie to show up above the other video and be slightly transparent. I can position the camera movie over the other video fine using a qttrack, but I don't know how to change the transparency of the qttrack on the video.

Is this possible using QTKit?

Here is an example of my code right now

   QTTimeRange fullMovieDuration = QTMakeTimeRange(QTZeroTime, [mCameraMovie duration]);
   QTTime startTime = QTMakeTime(0, [mCameraMovie currentTime].timeScale);

   QTTrack *cameraTrack = [[mCameraMovie tracks] objectAtIndex:0];

   NSRect newCameraRect = NSMakeRect(100, 100, 320, 240);

   [cameraTrack setAttribute:[NSValue valueWithRect:newCameraRect] forKey:QTTrackBoundsAttribute]; 

   [mMovie setAttribute:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:QTMovieEditableAttribute];
   [mMovie insertSegmentOfTrack:cameraTrack timeRange:fullMovieDuration atTime:startTime];

   [ibMovieView setMovie:mMovie];


  • I was able to do it using Quicktime.

    Here's a category that got it done.


    #import <QTKit/QTKit.h>
    @interface QTTrack (QTTrack_Opacity)

    Source File

    @implementation QTTrack (QTTrack_Opacity)
       MediaHandler mh = GetMediaHandler([[self media] quickTimeMedia]);
       RGBColor color = { (int)(opacity*255) << 8, (int)(opacity*255) << 8, (int)(opacity*255) << 8};
       MediaSetGraphicsMode(mh, graphicsModeStraightAlphaBlend, &color);