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Creating a RGB image out of 3 healpy maps

I have three healpy maps (corresponding to three Stokes parameters at different frequencies) and I am trying to plot them together in the same map, to highlight differences. I want to do something like what is done in the big map in the first plot: . Is there a way of doing this? I have appreciated that Healpy does not have any functionality to create RGB maps from it.


  • You cannot do this in healpy, but you can probably do with matplotlib. You can project a map using a mollweide projection:

    So you can get the 3 maps, normalize them appropriately (not sure if between 0 and 1 or 0 and 256), then combine them in a single 2D array where first row is R, second G and last B.

    Then you can plot it with imshow, see that the input of imshow can be a RGB array: