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How to write a static method that returns a subclass instance

I'm trying to create an abstract class Enum, which has a bunch of static methods that return instances of the class they were called on. My problem is that I can't figure out how to type these methods correctly.

Essentially, I want TypeScript to understand that EnumSubclass.getFirstInstance() returns a EnumSubclass instance, and not an Enum instance.

Here is my best attempt so far:

type InstanceOf<T> = T extends { prototype: infer R } ? R : never

const instances = {}

abstract class Enum {
    protected constructor(
        public readonly name: string,
        instances[name] = this

    public static getInstances<T extends typeof Enum>(this: T): InstanceOf<T>[] {
        return Object.values(instances)

    public static getFirstInstance<T extends typeof Enum>(this: T): InstanceOf<T> {
        // No warning here, TypeScript understands that this.getInstances exists
        return this.getInstances()[0]

class Demo extends Enum {
    public static readonly FOO = new Demo('foo', true)

    protected constructor(
        name: string,
        public readonly bar: boolean,

// The 'this' context of type 'typeof Demo' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'typeof Enum'.
//   Types of construct signatures are incompatible.
//     Type 'new (name: string, bar: boolean) => Demo' is not assignable to type 'abstract new (name: string) => Enum'.ts(2684)
const x: Demo = Demo.getFirstInstance()

Apparently TypeScript has a problem with the fact that the constructor of Demo has a different signature than the constructor of Enum, even though Enum never even calls the constructor - it returns instances that already exist.

How can I convince TypeScript that this is not an error?

P.S.: Ideally, I would like to:

  1. Keep the constructors protected and not make them public
  2. Have correct typing inside the implementation of Enum (for example, there shouldn't be a warning at this.getInstances())


  • This is possible, as long as you don't care about the constructor.

    First, define these helper types:

    type InstanceOf<T> = T extends { prototype: infer R } ? R : never
    type IgnoreConstructor<T> = Pick<T, keyof T> & {name: string}
    // Replace `Enum` with your base class
    type EnumSubclass = IgnoreConstructor<typeof Enum>

    Then write your static methods like this:

    static myFunc<T extends EnumSubclass>(this: T): InstanceOf<T>

    Proof that it works.