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Scala Graph Cycle Detection Algo 'return' needed?

I have implemented a small cycle detection algorithm for a DAG in Scala. The 'return' bothers me - I'd like to have a version without the return...possible?

  def isCyclic() : Boolean = {
    try {
      nodes.foreach(node => node.marker = 1)
      nodes.foreach(node => {if (1 == node.marker && visit(node)) return true})
    } finally {

  private def visit(node: MyNode): Boolean = {
    node.marker = 3

    val nodeId =
    val children = vertexMap.getChildren(nodeId) => id2nodeMap(nodeId))
    children.foreach(child => {
      if (3 == child.marker || (1 == child.marker && visit(child))) return true

    node.marker = 2



  • I think the problem can be solved without changing the state of the node with the marker field. The following is a rough code of what i think the isCyclic should look like. I am currently storing the node objects which are visited instead you can store the node ids if the node doesnt have equality based on node id.

    def isCyclic() : Boolean = nodes.exists(hasCycle(_, HashSet()))
    def hasCycle(node:Node, visited:Seq[Node]) = visited.contains(node) || children(node).exists(hasCycle(_,  node +: visited))
    def children(node:Node) = vertexMap.getChildren( => id2nodeMap(nodeId))