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Use SecureString in Membership.ValidateUser(string userName, string password)

I got Heap Inspection vulnerability issue in a security report when converting a SecureString password to string and then validate by the MembershipProvider function. I know that I should use char[] to handle password instead of string. But how can I pass char[] into the build-in function to avoid the issue?

public static string SecureStringToString(SecureString ss)
   return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(ss)); //<---Heap Inspection issue

Membership.ValidateUser(UserName, SecureStringToString(pwd));


  • But how can I pass [a SecureString] into the buil[t]-in function to avoid the issue?

    You can't. Membership.ValidateUser does not have an overload accepting a SecureString. Why? We don't know. Maybe the ASP.NET Membership framework was not designed for high-security systems where hardening code against heap inspection is a business requirement.

    Thus, you only have two options:

    1. Use a different (custom-built) user validation method or

    2. accept the fact that the password will linger around on the heap for some time.