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I cannot upload the .p12 certificate for on the OneSignal Website

I cannot upload my .p12 certificate on the OneSignal website. I have tried using Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Arc but I am met with the same error message, "Something went wrong while we tried to save the platform information. Please try again". Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks Error Message


  • So from what I have noticed, if you used a certSigningRequest to sign your certificate, you .p12 file would be rejected. So to do this you need to

    1. Generate 2048-bit RSA private key: openssl genrsa -out mykey.key 2048
    2. Generate a Certificate Signing Request: openssl req -new -sha256 -key mykey.key -out mykey.csr
    3. You will first revoke the existing certificate and then create a new one using this new .csr file.
    4. After you create the certificate download it
    5. Convert the certificate: openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -in aps_development.cer -out aps_development.pem
    6. Build the PKCS#12: openssl pkcs12 -inkey aps_development.key -in aps_development.pem -export -out aps_development.p12

    This final .p12 file is what you will upload to your onesignal.