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Multiprocess pool, with same function per 60 process

So, the story. I have a list of accounts that I need do some filtering on them, more specifically.. there's a list of accounts on a specific website that holds many coins. I need to filter the balance of 2 million accounts.

So I want to process at least 100 accounts at a time. In the above example, that's what I tried.

max_proc =3

list_of_texts =[

def Start(text):

if __name__=='__main__':

    for index in range(0, len(list_of_texts), max_proc):

        pool = Pool(processes=max_proc)

        for item in list_of_texts[index:index+max_proc]:
  , [item])

However I can't manage to make it work how I want, is still not parallel. My above example should have started 3 processes, with the first 3 accounts from the list, finish the.. then again process more 3 accounts until the list is done. But all in parallel. But it's still not working parallel, it's processing acc_1, then processing acc_2

The max_proc=3 is just for test, i will use 60 in production.

How I can achieve what I want?


  • You can split your list in set of 3 and then run map over that part like this

    from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
    max_proc =3
    def start_fun(text):
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        gen_of_texts =[
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_proc) as pool:
  , zip(*(iter(gen_of_texts),) * max_proc)) # to split list in groups of max_proc

    using imap

    from multiprocessing import Pool
    max_proc =300
    def start_fun(text):
        return text
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        list_of_texts = ('GDUI73F5LZA47F4CBUNDT7FLWJ4U6DJQHDU3N3L55AONLUFV2QANT5D4' for _ in range(10**6))
        with Pool(max_proc) as pool:
            for res in pool.imap(start_fun, zip(*(iter(list_of_texts),) * max_proc), chunksize=max_proc):