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Can valac link object files to executable

I have 2 object files from which I want to create an executable. I see that I can do it with gcc as follows:

gcc main.vala.o statlib.o -lm -lglib-2.0

main.vala.o is created with valac using command valac -c main.vala while statlib.o is created with gcc using command gcc -c statlib.c.

I tried to create executable with valac but I got error with following command:

$ valac main.vala.o statlib.o --library=m --library=glib-2.0
error: main.vala.o is not a supported source file type. Only .vala, .vapi, .gs, and .c files are supported.
error: statlib.o is not a supported source file type. Only .vala, .vapi, .gs, and .c files are supported.
Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

How can I link object files to create executable with valac compiler?


  • Use gcc instead:

    $ gcc -o main main.vala.o statlib.o -lm `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`

    See also the file I posted in your previous question:

    Edit: Sorry I didn't completely read you question, you already know how to use gcc, but still: That is the way to go.