The following R code chunk is very inefficient in terms of speed and I need it to be significantly faster as in the original problem the length(dt)
is quite large.
Can you help me convert the following R code chunk to C++ in order to utilize RCPP function in R? My knowledge of C++ is very close to 0
and can't figure out how to do the conversion.
inity <- 0
cumy <- rep(0,length = length(dt))
dec.index <- 1
startingPoint <- 2
temp <- numeric()
repFlag <- F
for (i in 2:length(dt)){
cumy[i] <- inity + rgamma(n = 1, shape = a*timedt, scale = b)
inity <- cumy[i]
if (dt[i] %in% decPoints){
if (dt[i] %in% LTset){
repFlag <- ifelse(cumy[i] >= LP, T, F)
} else if (dt[i] %in% MainMDset && repFlag == T){
genRanProb <- rbinom(1,1,(1-p1))
cumy[i] <- inity*genRanProb
inity <- cumy[i]
} else if (dt[i] %in% ProbMDset && repFlag == T){
genRanProb <- rbinom(1,1,pA)
cumy[i] <- inity*genRanProb
inity <- cumy[i]
If you want to run the code, you can use following values:
a <- 0.2
b <- 1
ph <- 1000
timedt <- 1
oppInt <- 90
dt <- seq(0,ph,timedt)
LT <- 30
MainMDset <- seq(oppInt, ph, oppInt)
ProbMDset <- c(0,seq((oppInt + oppInt/2), ph, oppInt))
LTset <- sort(c(ProbMDset, MainMDset))
LTset <- LTset - LT
decPoints <- sort(c(LTset, ProbMDset, MainMDset))
decPoints <- decPoints[-which(decPoints < 0)]
decPoints[1] <- 1
p1 <- 0
pA <- 0.5
LP <- 40
Code for follow up question:
NumericVector cumyRes(double a, double b, double timedt, NumericVector dt,
NumericVector ProbMDset, NumericVector MainMDset,
NumericVector decPoints, double LP, double LT,
double p1, double pA, int ii, double x1, double x2){
bool repFlag = false;
int n = dt.size();
double inity = 0;
NumericVector out(n);
std::unordered_set<double> sampleSetMd(MainMDset.begin(), MainMDset.end());
std::unordered_set<double> sampleSetProb(ProbMDset.begin(), ProbMDset.end());
std::unordered_set<double> sampleSetDec(decPoints.begin(), decPoints.end());
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i){
ii = ii + 1;
double d = dt[ii];
out[ii] = inity + rgamma(1, a * timedt, b)[0];
inity = out[ii];
if (sampleSetDec.find(d) != sampleSetDec.end()) {
if (sampleSetProb.find(d + LT) != sampleSetProb.end() ||
sampleSetMd.find(d + LT) != sampleSetMd.end()) {
repFlag = inity >= LP;
} else if (sampleSetMd.find(d) != sampleSetMd.end() && repFlag) {
double genRanProb = rbinom(1, 1, (1 - p1))[0];
for (int j = ii; ii < (ii+10); ++j){
out[j] = inity * genRanProb;
inity = inity * genRanProb;
ii = ii + x1 - 1;
} else if (sampleSetProb.find(d) != sampleSetProb.end() && repFlag) {
double genRanProb = rbinom(1, 1, pA)[0];
for (int j = ii; ii < (ii+5); ++j){
out[j] = inity * genRanProb;
inity = inity * genRanProb;
ii = ii + x2 - 1;
return out;
There are several errors in your C++ code, probably too many to list in a concise answer. However, the following corrections seem to follow your logic, and compiles to give similar answers to your R loop in less time:
NumericVector cumyRes(double a, double b, double timedt, NumericVector dt,
NumericVector ProbMDset, NumericVector MainMDset,
NumericVector decPoints, double LP, double LT,
double p1, double pA){
bool repFlag = false;
int n = dt.size();
double inity = 0;
NumericVector out(n);
std::unordered_set<double> sampleSetMd(MainMDset.begin(), MainMDset.end());
std::unordered_set<double> sampleSetProb(ProbMDset.begin(), ProbMDset.end());
std::unordered_set<double> sampleSetDec(decPoints.begin(), decPoints.end());
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i){
double d = dt[i];
out[i] = inity + rgamma(1, a * timedt, b)[0];
inity = out[i];
if (sampleSetDec.find(d) != sampleSetDec.end()) {
if (sampleSetProb.find(d + LT) != sampleSetProb.end() ||
sampleSetMd.find(d + LT) != sampleSetMd.end()) {
repFlag = inity >= LP;
} else if (sampleSetMd.find(d) != sampleSetMd.end() && repFlag) {
double genRanProb = rbinom(1, 1, (1 - p1))[0];
out[i] = inity * genRanProb;
inity = out[i];
} else if (sampleSetProb.find(d) != sampleSetProb.end() && repFlag) {
double genRanProb = rbinom(1, 1, pA)[0];
out[i] = inity * genRanProb;
inity = out[i];
return out;
You could test it with:
cumyRes(a, b, timedt, dt, ProbMDset, MainMDset, decPoints, LP, LT, p1, pA)