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Count/identify INCORRECT selection in reCaptcha v3

I want to use the 'reCaptcha v3 invisible option' where you don’t have to do any particular action like clicking on 'I am not a robot'.

enter image description here

I want to know how many API calls are made in each of the following scenarios

  1. Form is submitted and no prompt is shown by reCaptcha because it considers as a human. not a bot.

  2. Form is submitted and ReCaptcha shows the puzzle to solve because it considers probably spam, the user makes the correct selection.

  3. In the above scenario (2), the user makes an incorrect selection.

Question: How to track/detect/identify the no 3 above?

What I have done so far

I studied the following answer. (It was better than the official Google documentation)

I went through the official reCaptcha v3 documentation too.


  • You can visit the reCaptcha admin console and view/download the statistics. See the below image of the downloaded CSV. (No.3 - Unsuccessful attempts are included too.)

    Image of CSV with reCaptcha analytics

    More information about analytics: