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How to extract value from MongoDB document in pymongo

I'm new in MongoDB and I can't figure out how to extract values from mongo documents returned by queries.

Im trying to get the values of array called assigned_users:

building = await building_collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(building_id)}, {"assigned_users"})

what I'm getting is:

{'_id': ObjectId('63431931d94475c22475925c'), 'assigned_users': ['6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '63430c7e8c798a9778f28205', '63430c7e8c798a9778f28205']}

what I want to achieve is getting just a list:

['6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '63430c7e8c798a9778f28205', '63430c7e8c798a9778f28205']


  • When you are getting the data, you can filter the return data. In this case, you filtered assigned_users. However, '_id' is included by default. You can stop it by setting _id to False in the filter (optional)

    building = await building_collection.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(building_id)}, {"_id": False, "assigned_users": True})

    This will still return a dict.

    {'assigned_users': ['6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '6343191ed94475c22475925b', '63430c7e8c798a9778f28205', '63430c7e8c798a9778f28205']}

    You can take the data out by

    user = building['assigned_users']