I have added claims by using following code
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.BUSINESS_ID, user.BusinessID.ToString()),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.NAME, user.FullName),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.IMAGE, user.ProfileUrl ?? user.LogoUrlEn ?? user.LogoUrlEn ?? ""),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.EMAIL, user.Email),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.USER_ID, user.UserID.ToString()),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.ROLE, user.RoleID.ToString()),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.RIGHTS, string.Join(',', user.RolesRights.Select(S => $"{S.EntityName}|{S.EntityID}|{S.RightID}")))
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
var authProperties = new AuthenticationProperties
AllowRefresh = true,
IsPersistent = true,
RedirectUri = "/Authentication/Login"
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,
new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity),
I need to update claim when someone update profile pic I need to update it how can I do that ?
I have tried couple of solution but nothing work .
When someone update profile pic than currently it has to logout and logged in again to see the effect.
As you know the claims is stored inside the cookie when the signin.
So if you want to update the claims, you need to re-call the signin user codes with the updated claims.
Like the previous adding claims codes:
var claims = new List<Claim>
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.BUSINESS_ID, user.BusinessID.ToString()),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.NAME, user.FullName),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.IMAGE, user.ProfileUrl ?? user.LogoUrlEn ?? user.LogoUrlEn ?? ""),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.EMAIL, user.Email),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.USER_ID, user.UserID.ToString()),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.ROLE, user.RoleID.ToString()),
new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.RIGHTS, string.Join(',', user.RolesRights.Select(S => $"{S.EntityName}|{S.EntityID}|{S.RightID}")))
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);
var authProperties = new AuthenticationProperties
AllowRefresh = true,
IsPersistent = true,
RedirectUri = "/Authentication/Login"
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,
new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity),