Partially related to this post, suppose I have a robot with both fixed joints and free joints (ex: separate legs and arms), and I only want to solve InverseKinematics for one of the legs while keeping the other leg and arms fixed as obstacles.
My initial attempt to "fix" the other legs/arms was the following:
This works, but significantly increases the runtime. Is there any way to modify the plant/internal tree to do this instead? This should really be speeding up the optimization rather than slowing it down.
Nonlinear programs are finicky, but I also would have thought that both adding bounding box constraints to fix joints, and removing collision constraints should speed up inverse kinematics.
We do have a few open issues about runtime remodeling of multibodyplant. and, for instance.
Short of that, we did introduce the ability to lock / unlock joints and free-bodies for simulation. It would be a reasonable PR / request to also use MultibodyPlant::EvalJointLockingIndices
in the inverse kinematics code to avoid making those decision variables entirely. But I fear that the difference between this and the bounding box constraints should not be very big; probably fixing the joint is putting you into a more troublesome part of the optimization landscape?