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GORM: cannot INSERT into generated column

i have an issue with the generated columns value with GORM.

My struct
type Product struct {

    Name     string  `json:"name" gorm:"not null"`
    Quantity uint    `json:"quantity" gorm:"not null"`
    Price    float64 `json:"price" gorm:"not null"`
    Gain     float64 `json:"gain" gorm:"not null"`

    Total     float64 `json:"total" gorm:"->;type:GENERATED ALWAYS AS (quantity*price);"`     // generated total price
    TotalGain float64 `json:"total_gain" gorm:"->;type:GENERATED ALWAYS AS (quantity*gain);"` // generated total gain

    ProcessID uint // one-to-many
auto migration
    err = database.AutoMigrate(&models.Process{}, &models.Product{})
    if err != nil {
        return err

This is the error

cannot INSERT into generated column "total"

[0.021ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `products__temp`(`id`,`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`name`,`quantity`,`price`,`gain`,`total`,`total_gain`,`process_id`) SELECT `id`,`created_at`,`updated_at`,`deleted_at`,`name`,`quantity`,`price`,`gain`,`total`,`total_gain`,`process_id` FROM `products`

It seems like GORM has created a temporary table "products__temp" a clone of "products" table. So as we can know we cannot insert or edit the generated columns!

Note: i'm working wih SQLite


  • This issue is fixed by my pull request

    the pull is accepted 👌🏻