When I run pre-commit run --all-files
all goes well, when I try to commit, pylint
throws an error with: Exit code: 32
, followed by the list of usage options. The only files changed are .py
git status
On branch include-gitlab-arg
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/include-gitlab-arg'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
renamed: code/project1/src/Main.py -> code/project1/src/GitLab/GitLab_runner_token_getter.py
renamed: code/project1/src/get_gitlab_runner_token.py -> code/project1/src/GitLab/get_gitlab_runner_token.py
modified: code/project1/src/__main__.py
modified: code/project1/src/control_website.py
deleted: code/project1/src/get_website_controller.py
modified: code/project1/src/helper.py
The git commit -m "some change."
command yields the following pre-commit
- hook id: pylint
- exit code: 32
usage: pylint [options]
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this
message and
Options which are actually commands. Options in this group are mutually exclusive.
--rcfile RCFILE
whereas pre-commit run --all-files
And the .pre-commit-config.yaml
# This file specifies which checks are performed by the pre-commit service.
# The pre-commit service prevents people from pushing code to git that is not
# up to standards. # The reason mirrors are used instead of the actual
# repositories for e.g. black and flake8, is because those repositories also
# need to contain a pre-commit hook file, which they often don't by default.
# So to resolve that, a mirror is created that includes such a file.
python: python3.8. # or python3
# Test if the python code is formatted according to the Black standard.
- repo: https://github.com/Quantco/pre-commit-mirrors-black
rev: 22.6.0
- id: black-conda
- --safe
- --target-version=py36
# Test if the python code is formatted according to the flake8 standard.
- repo: https://github.com/Quantco/pre-commit-mirrors-flake8
rev: 5.0.4
- id: flake8-conda
args: ["--ignore=E501,W503,W504,E722,E203"]
# Test if the import statements are sorted correctly.
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
rev: 5.10.1
- id: isort
args: ["--profile", "black", --line-length=79]
## Test if the variable typing is correct. (Variable typing is when you say:
## def is_larger(nr: int) -> bool: instead of def is_larger(nr). It makes
## it explicit what type of input and output a function has.
## - repo: https://github.com/python/mypy
# - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-mypy
#### - repo: https://github.com/a-t-0/mypy
# rev: v0.982
# hooks:
# - id: mypy
## Tests if there are spelling errors in the code.
# - repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell
# rev: v2.2.1
# hooks:
# - id: codespell
# Performs static code analysis to check for programming errors.
- repo: local
- id: pylint
name: pylint
entry: pylint
language: system
types: [python]
"-rn", # Only display messages
"-sn", # Don't display the score
"--ignore-long-lines", # Ignores long lines.
# Runs additional tests that are created by the pre-commit software itself.
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v4.3.0
# Check user did not add large files.
- id: check-added-large-files
# Check if `.py` files are written in valid Python syntax.
- id: check-ast
# Require literal syntax when initializing empty or zero Python builtin types.
- id: check-builtin-literals
# Checks if there are filenames that would conflict if case is changed.
- id: check-case-conflict
# Checks if the Python functions have docstrings.
- id: check-docstring-first
# Checks if any `.sh` files have a shebang like #!/bin/bash
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
# Verifies json format of any `.json` files in repo.
- id: check-json
# Checks if there are any existing merge conflicts caused by the commit.
- id: check-merge-conflict
# Checks for symlinks which do not point to anything.
- id: check-symlinks
# Checks if xml files are formatted correctly.
- id: check-xml
# Checks if .yml files are valid.
- id: check-yaml
# Checks if debugger imports are performed.
- id: debug-statements
# Detects symlinks changed to regular files with content path symlink was pointing to.
- id: destroyed-symlinks
# Checks if you don't accidentally push a private key.
- id: detect-private-key
# Replaces double quoted strings with single quoted strings.
# This is not compatible with Python Black.
#- id: double-quote-string-fixer
# Makes sure files end in a newline and only a newline.
- id: end-of-file-fixer
# Removes UTF-8 byte order marker.
- id: fix-byte-order-marker
# Add <# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-> to the top of python files.
#- id: fix-encoding-pragma
# Checks if there are different line endings, like \n and crlf.
- id: mixed-line-ending
# Asserts `.py` files in folder `/test/` (by default:) end in `_test.py`.
- id: name-tests-test
# Override default to check if `.py` files in `/test/` START with `test_`.
args: ['--django']
# Ensures JSON files are properly formatted.
- id: pretty-format-json
args: ['--autofix']
# Sorts entries in requirements.txt and removes incorrect pkg-resources entries.
- id: requirements-txt-fixer
# Sorts simple YAML files which consist only of top-level keys.
- id: sort-simple-yaml
# Removes trailing whitespaces at end of lines of .. files.
- id: trailing-whitespace
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/autoflake
rev: v1.7.0
- id: autoflake
args: ["--in-place", "--remove-unused-variables", "--remove-all-unused-imports", "--recursive"]
name: AutoFlake
description: "Format with AutoFlake"
stages: [commit]
- repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit
rev: 1.7.4
- id: bandit
name: Bandit
stages: [commit]
# Enforces formatting style in Markdown (.md) files.
- repo: https://github.com/executablebooks/mdformat
rev: 0.7.16
- id: mdformat
- mdformat-toc
- mdformat-gfm
- mdformat-black
- repo: https://github.com/MarcoGorelli/absolufy-imports
rev: v0.3.1
- id: absolufy-imports
files: '^src/.+\.py$'
args: ['--never', '--application-directories', 'src']
- repo: https://github.com/myint/docformatter
rev: v1.5.0
- id: docformatter
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pygrep-hooks
rev: v1.9.0
- id: python-use-type-annotations
- id: python-check-blanket-noqa
- id: python-check-blanket-type-ignore
# Updates the syntax of `.py` files to the specified python version.
# It is not compatible with: pre-commit hook: fix-encoding-pragma
- repo: https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade
rev: v3.0.0
- id: pyupgrade
args: [--py38-plus]
- repo: https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint
rev: v0.11.0
- id: markdownlint
With pyproject.toml
# This is used to configure the black, isort and mypy such that the packages don't conflict.
# This file is read by the pre-commit program.
line-length = 79
include = '\.pyi?$'
exclude = '''
| \.mypy_cache
| build
| dist
# Due to a strange bug with xml output of coverage.py not writing the full-path
# of the sources, the full root directory is presented as a source alongside
# the main package. As a result any importable Python file/package needs to be
# included in the omit
source = [
# Excludes the following directories from the coverage report
omit = [
profile = "black"
ignore_missing_imports = true
# Example: Disable error on needing a module-level docstring
# Runs coverage.py through use of the pytest-cov plugin
# An xml report is generated and results are output to the terminal
# TODO: Disable this line to disable CLI coverage reports when running tests.
#addopts = "--cov --cov-report xml:cov.xml --cov-report term"
# Sets the minimum allowed pytest version
minversion = 5.0
# Sets the path where test files are located (Speeds up Test Discovery)
testpaths = ["tests"]
And setup.py
"""This file is to allow this repository to be published as a pip module, such
that people can install it with: `pip install networkx-to-lava-nc`.
You can ignore it.
import setuptools
with open("README.md", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
long_description = fh.read()
description="Converts networkx graphs representing spiking neural networks"
+ " (SNN)s of LIF neruons, into runnable Lava SNNs.",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"License :: OSI Approved :: AGPL3",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
How can I resolve the pylint usage error to ensure the commit passes pre-commit
The issue was caused by "--ignore-long-lines", # Ignores long lines.
in the .pre-commit-config.yaml
. I assume it conflicts with the line length settings for black, and for the pyproject.toml
, which are set to 79