I built a Python API that subscribes people to an SNS topic to receive emails about their Spotify accounts. I have a single topic that I publish all the emails to.
I am aware that I can set a subscription filter policy
when I create a subscription from console. However, boto3 needs the subscription ARN to set a filter, and the ARN needs the email to be confirmed.
How to set the filter when creating the subscription from boto3, like in the console?
>>> import boto3
>>> sns = boto3.client('sns')
>>> sns.subscribe(TopicArn='{the_arn}', Protocol='EMAIL', Endpoint='{an_email}')
{'SubscriptionArn': 'pending confirmation', ...
According to boto3 sns documentation, in order to set the FilterPolicy
attribute, I need the subscription ARN.
The example in the docs:
import boto3
sns = boto3.resource('sns')
subscription = sns.Subscription('arn')
response = subscription.set_attributes(
AttributeValue={policy json}
I ended up replacing SNS with SQS and a Lambda function that sends the emails instead. The filtering is done inside the lambda, plus it sends a pretty text/html instead of the SNS json emails. Will keep the question open if someone comes up with an answer.