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convert SQL with subquery to LINQ (lamda expression)

Need help with converting this sql query

SELECT   c.studentId,  c.Name 
FROM  Classes c 
WHERE c.Class = 'Math' 
 AND c.Grade IN 'yoklama', '2')  
 AND c.studentId IN (  
   SELECT c2.studentId  
   FROM    Classes c2  
   WHERE c2.Class = 'Eng' 
    AND c.Grade IN ('yoklama', '2'))

I was trying like this but these keeps giving error that I am doing this wrong

var reportDtos = context.Classes.Where(c => pt.Class ==  'Math'  && c.Grade.HasValue 
&& c.Grade == '2' || c.Grade == 'yoklama' && c.studentId.Contains(context.ParticipTests
             .Where(x => x.Class ==  'Math'  &&x.Grade.HasValue && x.Grade == '2' || x.Grade == 'yoklama')
             .Select(x => ))
             .Select(pt => new ReportDto


  • First off, strings must always be double quoted " and not single quoted ' like you have some.

    If you write some code by splitting up the steps it makes it more understandable.

    var validGrades = new List<string> { "Yoklama", "2" };
    var studentsInEnglish = context.ParticipTests
       .Where(x => x.Class.Equals("Eng") && validGrades.Contains(x.Grade))
       .Select(x => x.studentId);
    var studentsInMath = context.Classes
       .Where(x => x.Class.Equals("Math") && validGrades.Contains(x.Grade) && studentsInEnglish.Contains(x.studentId))
       .Select(x => (x.studentId, x.Name));

    Now with this, (if you really still want to) you can write a single query by plugging in and replacing.

    var reportDtos = context.ParticipTests
            x => x.Class.Equals("Math") &&
            new List<string> { "Yoklama", "2" }.Contains(x.Grade) &&
                    y => y.Class.Equals("Eng") &&
                    new List<string> { "Yoklama", "2" }.Contains(y.Grade))
                .Select(y => y.studentId)
        .Select(x => (x.studentId, x.Name))

    ...But I like the first way better.