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How can I avoid repetition of array shape declaration for method return value?

If, for example, I have a class like this:

class Foo
    * @var array<string, array{name: string, age: int}>
   private array $things;

    * @return array
   public function getThings(): array
      return $this->things;

Then phpstan will give me something along the lines of Method Foo::getThings() return type has no value type specified in iterable type array.

Of course, I can resolve this by adding the array shape definition to the @return, but given that I've already defined this on the property, is there a way to avoid duplication here that I'm missing?


  • No. PHPStan does not read the method body like that to understand what it returns.

    You can use local type aliases to reduce the duplication:

    /** @phpstan-type Things array<string, array{name: string, age: int}> */
    class Foo
        * @var Things
       private array $things;
        * @return Things
       public function getThings(): array
          return $this->things;