I have a line in my query in NEO4j using cypher:
"WITH *, collect(human.name) as sample"
Which produces results such as:
Answer |
Bob |
Sally |
Bob |
Bob |
Sally |
And I would like to remove duplicates such that the answer produces:
Answer |
Bob |
Sally |
How can i go about doing this? The line below achieves my desired result but it does not let me continue writing further query lines after the RETURN as "RETURN can only be used at the last line of the query".
As you mentioned DISTINCT
will do the job, Use:
WITH collect(DISTINCT human.name) as sample
For example, with sample data:
MERGE (a:Human{name: "Bob", key: 1})
MERGE (c:Human{name: "Sally", key: 2})
MERGE (b:Human{name: "Bob", key: 3})
MERGE (d:Human{name: "Bob", key: 4})
MERGE (e:Human{name: "Sally", key: 5})
And query:
MATCH (human:Human)
WITH COLLECT (DISTINCT human.name) as sample
return sample
The response is:
│"sample" │