I'm experimenting with bitmaps in VBScript, writing them to file and opening them with the default application. See https://github.com/antonig/vbs/tree/master/VBScript_graphics The slowest part is in writing the pixels from an array to a byte string then to the file. I'm presently using this classic snippet to convert long values to 4 byte strings:
function long2str(byval k)
Dim s
for i=1 to 4
s= chr(k and &hff)
End function
I wondered if I could make the conversion faster using just two chrw() in the place of the four chr(). To my dismay i learned chrw takes a signed short integer. Why so??. So the code has to deal with the highest bits separately. This is what I tried but it does'nt work:
function long2wstr(byval x)
dim k,s
k=((x and &h7fff) or (&H8000 * ((x and &h8000) <>0 )))
k=((x and &h7fff0000)\&h10000 or(&H8000 * (x<0)))
s=s & chrw(k)
end function
'test code
for i=0 to &hffffff
if i<>y then wscript.echo hex(i),hex(y)
wscript.echo "ok" 'if the conversion is correct the program should print only ok
Can you help me?
Today I can answer my own question. To write binary data to a file two bytes at a time is possible. The bad news is the increase of speed is just marginal. Here is a demo code, the solution was about adding some & suffixes to the hex values in my original code.
fn=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetSpecialFolder(2)& "\testwchr.bmp"
Function long2wstr( x) 'falta muy poco!!!
Dim k1,k2,x1
k1=((x And &h7fff) Or (&H8000& And ((X And &h8000&)<>0)))
k2=((X And &h7fffffff&) \ &h10000&) Or (&H8000& And ((X And &h80000000&) <>0 ))
long2wstr=chrw(k1) & chrw(k2)
End Function
Function wstr2long(s)
xx1=x1-(65536 *(x1<0))
End Function
Function rndlong() rndlong=CLng(4294967296* rnd()-2147483648+256*rnd) :End Function
Dim a(1000)
With CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
.Charset = "UTF-16LE" 'o "UTF16-BE"
.Type = 2' adTypeText
Randomize timer
For I=0 To 1000
.writetext long2wstr(a(i))
.savetofile fn,2
'now read the file to see if ADODB has changed anything
.loadfromfile fn
.position=2 'skip bom
For I=0 To 1000
j= wstr2long(.readtext (2))
If j<>a(i) Then WScript.Echo a(i),j:cnt=cnt+1
WScript.Echo cnt 'should print 0
End With