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Admob adaptive anchor banner

for Admob banner ads, adaptive ads banner, What is the difference between getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize and getCurrentOrientationInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSize

Which one has better user experience?

And which one generate more revenue?


  • From the documentation:

    getCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSize (anchored adaptive banners)

    When to use adaptive banners

    Adaptive banners are designed to be a drop-in replacement for the industry standard 320x50 banner size, as well as the smart banner format they supersede.

    These banner sizes are commonly used as anchored banners, which are usually locked to the top or bottom of the screen. For such anchored banners, the aspect ratio when using adaptive banners will be similar to that of a standard 320x50 ad, as can be seen in these screenshots

    getCurrentOrientationInlineAdaptiveBannerAdSize (inline adaptive banners)

    When to use inline adaptive banners

    Inline adaptive banners are larger, taller banners compared to anchored adaptive banners. They are of variable height, and can be as tall as the device screen.

    They are intended to be placed in scrolling content