import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'year_month_picker/states_month.dart';
import 'year_month_picker/widgets/wheeltile.dart';
class MyMonthPickerr extends StatefulWidget {
const MyMonthPickerr({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_MyMonthPickerrState createState() => _MyMonthPickerrState();
class _MyMonthPickerrState extends State<MyMonthPickerr> {
List<States_Month> states_month = [];
String currentState = [
void initState() {
states_month = allStates();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: Text(
''), //Here is where I want to get the month when the user gets off the modal bottom sheet
onPressed: (() => showModalBottomSheet(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Container(
color: Colors.blueGrey.shade800,
child: ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate(
itemExtent: 50,
controller: FixedExtentScrollController(
initialItem: (( - 1),
perspective: 0.001,
diameterRatio: 1.6,
physics: FixedExtentScrollPhysics(),
squeeze: 1.0,
overAndUnderCenterOpacity: 0.2,
useMagnifier: true,
magnification: 1.3,
onSelectedItemChanged: (index) {
setState(() {
currentState = states_month[index].names!;
childDelegate: ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate(
childCount: states_month.length,
builder: (context, index) {
return WheelTile(
currentState == states_month[index].names
? Colors.white
: Colors.white60,
You can put this widget in the body of a Scaffold with backgroundcolor : Colors.blueGrey.shade900 to see what I wanted to do.
I need to display the month for my app project, I've been learning flutter for a few weeks so if someone more experimented than me could help me, it would be very appreciated !
You can simplify the widget like
class MyMonthPickerr extends StatefulWidget {
const MyMonthPickerr({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_MyMonthPickerrState createState() => _MyMonthPickerrState();
class _MyMonthPickerrState extends State<MyMonthPickerr> {
final months = [
int selected =;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: ElevatedButton(
child: Text(
'${months[selected]}'), //Here is where I want to get the month when the user gets off the modal bottom sheet
onPressed: () async {
await showModalBottomSheet(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Container(
color: Colors.blueGrey.shade800,
child: ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate(
itemExtent: 50,
controller: FixedExtentScrollController(
initialItem: (( - 1),
perspective: 0.001,
diameterRatio: 1.6,
physics: FixedExtentScrollPhysics(),
squeeze: 1.0,
overAndUnderCenterOpacity: 0.2,
useMagnifier: true,
magnification: 1.3,
onSelectedItemChanged: (index) {
selected = index;
setState(() {}); // onchange update the ui
childDelegate: ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate(
childCount: months.length,
builder: (context, index) {
return Container(
child: Text("${months[index]}"),
// setState(() {}); //or on closing the dialog