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Is it possible with aiogram to know, who sent the message?

So the Telegram Bot can do different actions, depending on who activated the command. This concerns aiogram, a framework for Telegram Bot API


  • You could use a simple filtering system:

    1. Create a dict/database with user_id's and their roles
    2. Get the role from that dict/db by id and do the action

    This solution in code:

    roles={1234:'Admin', 1243:'User', 1223:'Moderator'}
    async def handler(message: types.Message) -> None:
        if role=='Admin': do_action()
        elif role=='User': do_another_action()
        elif role=='Moderator': do_yet_another_action()
    #you can add a check at start, to see if person even has a role
    #if in roles: