I'm having troubles with the sorting of my counts generating my df so basically I'm running a for to use value_counts in each column but the problem comes when the is a few colums in the new df that are not sorted in a single way so there is columns like this:
I would like to have just one order for this columns either way yes, no don't know or any order but the same for the 3 columns and also they share the 3 options just because it doesn't appear any value with Don't know doest appear in the first 2 columns yes,no so I would like to add Don't know at the end, copy or replace the other 2 columns with the same options as column 3. I tried to explai it the best I could, this is my code:
li = []
for i in range(0, len(df.columns)):
value_counts = df.iloc[:, i].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index()
Because different values in columns is problematic join to one DataFrame, you can create multiple ouputs depends of data:
cat1 = ['more','less','no idea','same','other']
cat2 = ['cat1','cat2','cat3']
cat3 = ['Yes','No', "I don't know"]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(cat1, size=(10, 2)), columns=list('BD'))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(cat2, size=(10, 3)), columns=list('CFH'))
df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(cat3, size=(10, 4)), columns=list('AIEG'))
df = pd.concat([df1, df2, df3], axis=1).sort_index(axis=1)
print (df)
A B C D E F G H \
0 Yes same cat2 other No cat1 I don't know cat2
1 I don't know other cat1 more No cat1 No cat3
2 I don't know less cat3 less No cat3 No cat1
3 No less cat1 more No cat2 No cat3
4 No other cat1 same Yes cat1 Yes cat2
5 No less cat3 other No cat2 Yes cat3
6 I don't know other cat2 other I don't know cat1 I don't know cat1
7 I don't know more cat2 no idea No cat3 I don't know cat2
8 No less cat3 same I don't know cat1 Yes cat3
9 Yes other cat2 same I don't know cat3 Yes cat3
0 I don't know
1 Yes
2 I don't know
3 I don't know
4 I don't know
5 Yes
6 Yes
7 No
8 Yes
9 I don't know
#columns with Yes, No, I don't know values to seperate DataFrame
mask = df.isin(['Yes','No', "I don't know"]).all()
cols1 = df.columns[mask]
df11 = pd.concat({i: df[i].value_counts() for i in cols1}, axis=1)
print (df11)
No 4 6 3 1
I don't know 4 3 3 5
Yes 2 1 4 4
#all another columns to another DataFrame
cols2 = df.columns[~mask]
df22 = pd.concat({i: df[i].value_counts() for i in cols2}, axis=1)
print (df22)
other 4.0 NaN 3.0 NaN NaN
less 4.0 NaN 1.0 NaN NaN
more 1.0 NaN 2.0 NaN NaN
same 1.0 NaN 3.0 NaN NaN
cat2 NaN 4.0 NaN 2.0 3.0
cat3 NaN 3.0 NaN 3.0 5.0
cat1 NaN 3.0 NaN 5.0 2.0
no idea NaN NaN 1.0 NaN NaN