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How can I get current index through FlatList?

I'm passing data to details screen with Navigation params, everything works correct, the only thing that I want to pass clicked current level index to Object.entries[currentIndex], I'm not sure how can I get that.

          keyExtractor={(item) => item.index}
          renderItem={({ item, index }) => (
              {item.sTask?.map((levels, i) => (
                    onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Tasks', { item })}
                      backgroundColor: '#33333325',
                      paddingHorizontal: 20,
                      paddingVertical: 10,
                      borderRadius: 10,
                      marginVertical: 20,
                      marginHorizontal: 20,
                    <Text>{Level 1}</Text>
                     {Another level...}

Details screen:

  const [currentTaskGroupIndex, setCurrentTaskGroupIndex] = useState(0); <---- We need to set current index somehow to current clicked index

  //Test item params data
  useEffect(() => {
    const mapData = item?.sTask?.map((tasks) => {
      return Object.entries(tasks)[currentTaskGroupIndex].map((level) => {
        // console.log(level);
  }, [item]);

No matter which level i clicked, i'm getting Level 1 details


  • You need to do like :

     onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Tasks', { item:item, index:i })}

    and then in details screen:

    const indexParam = props?.route?.params?.index ?? 0
    const [currentTaskGroupIndex, setCurrentTaskGroupIndex] = useState(indexParam); <---- We need to set current index somehow to current clicked index
      //Test item params data
      useEffect(() => {
        const mapData = item?.sTask?.map((tasks) => {
          return Object.entries(tasks)[currentTaskGroupIndex].map((level) => {
            // console.log(level);
      }, [item]);

    Hope it helps. feel free for doubts