I have a protobuf pubsub schema being published to bigquery (directly, no dataflow).
in the protobuf, i have a field like:
bool foo = 1;
In the bigquery schema this becomes:
"name": "foo",
"type": "BOOLEAN",
"mode": "NULLABLE"
From my python code, I call publish on the topic w/ a dict (encoded to bytes) that has:
foo: false
this becomes foo: null
in the output bigquery table.
if I make if
foo: true
it becomes foo: true
in the bigquery table.
this is happening for all of my bool. e.g. false becomes null, true remains true.
Suggestion on where to look?
This is a known bug with proto3 support that is being actively worked on. You can track progress in the public issue tracker. For now, the workaround is to use proto2 instead of proto3.