I want to drop rows that don't verify a condition, I tried the code below, but it's not working
sample.drop(sample.loc[(sample.service == 'ftp') & (sample.is_ftp_login.isna())].index, inplace=False)
I also tried a loop, with condition isna() and with ' ', but it didn't work
for index, row in sample.iterrows():
if row['service'] == 'ftp' and row['is_ftp_login'].isna():
I also want to change types from object to int and from float to int, (I tried both lines) it returns cannot convert to Class int.
Do you guys have any idea how to solve this, Thanks. I
Thank you, I solved the problem. I was able to convert the string type to numeric using this:
sample['ct_ftp_cmd']= pd.to_numeric(sample['ct_ftp_cmd'])
and I dropped rows based on a given condition using this:
sample = sample.drop(sample[(sample.service == 'ftp') & (sample.is_ftp_login.isna())].index)