I have a problem with plotly bar when using with 2 categorical columns , the graph is working but not clear as you can see . I changed colors but still the same .
Data sample :
Job y
Housemaid yes
Admin. No
Services yes
Services no
A very simple code but couldn't figure out the problem .
fig = px.bar(bank_data ,x="job", color="y")
here is what I get
edit: it depends on the size of the data , for example when I use 1000 row ,that's what I get .
but when I use 2000 row , the color become lighter
that's why it isn't clear at all when using all of the data.
used data : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/volodymyrgavrysh/bank-marketing-campaigns-dataset
Edit: solved by adding another column "count", then groupby "job" :
Your problem is to count number of yes and no for each job, therefore you can use px.histogram with barmode='group'
for this task rather than creating new column in your dataframe as follows:
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('bank-additional-full.csv',sep=';')
fig = px.histogram(df ,x="job", color="y",barmode='group')
Your problem is mentioned here and it is proposed to use hisogram rather than the bar.