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What is the best way of implementing singleton in Python

This question is not for the discussion of whether or not the singleton design pattern is desirable, is an anti-pattern, or for any religious wars, but to discuss how this pattern is best implemented in Python in such a way that is most pythonic. In this instance I define 'most pythonic' to mean that it follows the 'principle of least astonishment'.

I have multiple classes which would become singletons (my use-case is for a logger, but this is not important). I do not wish to clutter several classes with added gumph when I can simply inherit or decorate.

Best methods:

Method 1: A decorator

def singleton(class_):
    instances = {}
    def getinstance(*args, **kwargs):
        if class_ not in instances:
            instances[class_] = class_(*args, **kwargs)
        return instances[class_]
    return getinstance

class MyClass(BaseClass):


  • Decorators are additive in a way that is often more intuitive than multiple inheritance.


  • While objects created using MyClass() would be true singleton objects, MyClass itself is a function, not a class, so you cannot call class methods from it. Also for

    x = MyClass();
    y = MyClass();
    t = type(n)();

then x == y but x != t && y != t

Method 2: A base class

class Singleton(object):
    _instance = None
    def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(class_._instance, class_):
            class_._instance = object.__new__(class_, *args, **kwargs)
        return class_._instance

class MyClass(Singleton, BaseClass):


  • It's a true class


  • Multiple inheritance - eugh! __new__ could be overwritten during inheritance from a second base class? One has to think more than is necessary.

Method 3: A metaclass

class Singleton(type):
    _instances = {}
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instances[cls]

class MyClass(BaseClass):
    __metaclass__ = Singleton

class MyClass(BaseClass, metaclass=Singleton):


  • It's a true class
  • Auto-magically covers inheritance
  • Uses __metaclass__ for its proper purpose (and made me aware of it)


  • Are there any?

Method 4: decorator returning a class with the same name

def singleton(class_):
    class class_w(class_):
        _instance = None
        def __new__(class_, *args, **kwargs):
            if class_w._instance is None:
                class_w._instance = super(class_w,
                class_w._instance._sealed = False
            return class_w._instance
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if self._sealed:
            super(class_w, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self._sealed = True
    class_w.__name__ = class_.__name__
    return class_w

class MyClass(BaseClass):


  • It's a true class
  • Auto-magically covers inheritance


  • Is there not an overhead for creating each new class? Here we are creating two classes for each class we wish to make a singleton. While this is fine in my case, I worry that this might not scale. Of course there is a matter of debate as to whether it aught to be too easy to scale this pattern...
  • What is the point of the _sealed attribute
  • Can't call methods of the same name on base classes using super() because they will recurse. This means you can't customize __new__ and can't subclass a class that needs you to call up to __init__.

Method 5: a module

a module file


  • Simple is better than complex


  • Not lazily instantiated


  • You just need a decorator, different depending on the python version.

    Notice how foo gets printed only once.

    Python 3.2+


    from functools import lru_cache
    class CustomClass(object):
        def __init__(self, arg):
            print(f"CustomClass initialised with {arg}")
            self.arg = arg


    c1 = CustomClass("foo")
    c2 = CustomClass("foo")
    c3 = CustomClass("bar")
    print(c1 == c2)
    print(c1 == c3)


    >>> CustomClass initialised with foo
    >>> CustomClass initialised with bar
    >>> True
    >>> False

    Python 3.9+


    from functools import cache
    class CustomClass(object):