I have an array that I want to convert but I have no idea how to do it
how can i convert this array
const a = ['{/run:true}', '{/sleep:false}'];
in this array
const b = [{'/run':true}, {'/sleep':false}];
Using map and a regular expression:
const a = ['{/run:true}', '{/sleep:false}'];
const b = a.map(s => {
const [_,k,v] = s.match(/\{(.+):(.+)}/);
return {[k]: JSON.parse(v)};
Or other way is to run a sting replacement and JSON.parse
const a = ['{/run:true}', '{/sleep:false}'];
const b = JSON.parse("[" + a.toString().replace(/\{([^:]+)/g, '{"$1"') + "]");