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TextTrack LanguageCode parameter in Tracks.BeginCreateOrUpdateAsync

How to set the TrackBase parameter with LanguageCode when uploading track with Microsoft.Azure.Management.Mediav6.0.0?

Adding track works, but languageCode remains empty

await client.Tracks.BeginCreateOrUpdateAsync(
    new TextTrack("M0508826_FI.vtt", "suomi", "fi")
            "name": "M0508826_FI.vtt",
            "id": "/subscriptions/.../providers/Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/.../assets/.../tracks/M0508826_FI.vtt",
            "type": "Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/assets/tracks",
            "properties": {
                "track": {
                    "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.TextTrack",
                    "fileName": "M0508826_FI.vtt",
                    "displayName": "suomi",
                    "languageCode": "",
                    "playerVisibility": "Visible"
                "provisioningState": "Succeeded"

Tried to set languageCode also to "fi-FI", but result is same. It works fine if the track is added via REST API.

REST HTTP POST body being

    "properties": {
        "track": {
            "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Media.TextTrack",
            "displayName": "suomi",
            "fileName": "M0508826_FI.vtt",
            "languageCode": "fi",
            "playerVisibility": "Visible"


  • Answering myself, as I found the answer hidden in the comments of the TS sample file at

    You need to include the language in the WEBVTT file as follows:

    // AMS supports uploading both .vtt files and .ttml files in the IMSC1 text profile (basically no images in base64!)
    // The desired language should be set in the head of the vtt file in the following format:
    // WEBVTT
    // Language: en-us