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Python 'outlook.Session.Accounts' can't iterate, new bug?

Hi I am using win32 Outlook via python to send email from a specific mailbox that is already connected from my Outlook app. Code is straightforward. I was able to run successfully last week.

import win32com.client as win32

outlook = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)
for c in outlook.Session.Accounts:
    mail.To = ''

But today it failed with 'Accounts' object is not iterable'


I only installed xlrd last week.


  • Thanks you guys for the solution hint and explanation, this is exactly how the problem is solved.

    for c in range(1, outlook.Session.Accounts.Count+1):
        if (outlook.Session.Accounts.Item(c).DisplayName) == '':
            mailfrom = (outlook.Session.Accounts.Item(c))