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How can I combine a Google Sheets query formula with arrayFormula formulas?

Code from @doubleunary's answer to: How can I improve the performance of this Google Sheets custom function?

My 'query' sheet has a query formula to filter an 'INPUT' sheet. The query is:

=query(INPUT!A1:K, "select A, max(G), H where I = 'Pilot' group by A, H pivot D", 1)

The 'INPUT' sheet values are:

Instance Id Group name Group Id Field name Field Id Type Value File Id Role Concatenated Id VLookup value
Instance1A Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 1 09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffc CURRENCY 100 Pilot_File Pilot 09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffcInstance1A 100
Instance1A Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 2 474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8e CURRENCY 200 Pilot_File Pilot 474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8eInstance1A 200
Instance1A Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 3 ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260d CURRENCY 300 Pilot_File Pilot ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260dInstance1A 300
Instance1B Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 1 09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffc CURRENCY 110 Pilot_File Pilot 09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffcInstance1B 110
Instance1B Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 2 474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8e CURRENCY 220 Pilot_File Pilot 474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8eInstance1B 220
Instance1B Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 3 ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260d CURRENCY 330 Pilot_File Pilot ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260dInstance1B 330
Instance2A Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 1 09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffc CURRENCY 1000 Co-PIlot_File Co-Pilot 09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffcInstance2A 1000
Instance2A Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 2 474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8e CURRENCY 2000 Co-PIlot_File Co-Pilot 474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8eInstance2A 2000
Instance2A Widgets 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7 Field 3 ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260d CURRENCY 3000 Co-PIlot_File Co-Pilot ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260dInstance2A 3000

Which gives the following result on the 'query' sheet:

Instance Id Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 File Id
Instance1A 100 200 300 Pilot_File
Instance1B 110 220 330 Pilot_File

Another 'RESULTS_PILOT' sheet uses two arrayFormula formulas to format the 'query' sheet values into a table with values placed in specific columns according to a 'TABLE_CONFIG' sheet. The formulas are:

cell A1:

    "Instance Id", 
        sequence(1, max(TABLE_CONFIG!C2:C4) - 1, 2), 
        2, false 
    "File Id" 

cell A2:

      sequence(counta(query!A2:A), 1, 2), 

The 'TABLE_CONFIG' sheet is:

Field Id Description Desired table field column Group Id
09456c1a-abb4-4e81-94bd-7ce4c88afffc Field 1 1 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7
474f6395-83a7-4c2b-aa5a-ceb00e200f8e Field 2 3 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7
ac64e001-fe85-400a-92e4-69cebf1c260d Field 3 5 91c7db0a-c52a-407d-869a-af8ba8bf8ba7

So the table on the 'RESULTS_PILOT' sheet appears like:

Instance Id Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 File Id
Instance1A 100 200 300 Pilot_File
Instance1B 110 220 330 Pilot_File

Is there a way to combine the query with the arrayFormula formulas on the 'RESULTS_PILOT' sheet, so that the 'query' sheet is not required?


  • try:

    =INDEX(LAMBDA(x, y, {y; IFERROR(HLOOKUP(y, x, 
     SEQUENCE(COUNTA(QUERY(x, "offset 1", )), 1, 2), ))}) 
     (QUERY(INPUT!A1:K, "select A, max(G), H where I = 'Pilot' group by A, H pivot D", 1), 
     {"Instance Id", IFERROR(VLOOKUP(SEQUENCE(1, MAX(TABLE_CONFIG!C2:C4)-1, 2), 
     {TABLE_CONFIG!C2:C, TABLE_CONFIG!B2:B }, 2, )), "File Id"}))

    enter image description here