I'm a newbie regarding SQL and PostgreSQL and database management, but I need a database for a discord bot I'm making. I'm using asyncpg to manage a database with python
Now, let's say I have a command which has to find if username already exists in that database:
with open("creds.json", "r") as file:
creds = json.load(file)
print("\n" + "Connecting to database")
host = creds["DB_HOST"]
user = creds["DB_USER"]
password = creds["DB_TOKEN"]
database = creds["DB_NAME"]
conn = await asyncpg.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database)
print("\n"+ f"PostgreSQL connection to database stablished successfully")
exists = await conn.fetch('''
FROM table
WHERE username=($1));
''', str(discordusername#1234))
await conn.close()
print("Query finished, connection to database closed")
It either returns True or False in this form [<Record exists=False>] or [<Record exists=True>]
, so to check if its true or false I have to convert the 'exists' to a string and then compare it to either [<Record exists=False>] or [<Record exists=False>]
as a string:
if str(exists) == "[<Record exists=False>]":
elif str(exists) == "[<Record exists=True>]"
Is there anyway to 'convert' [<Record exists=False>]
to a plain False and [<Record exists=False>]
to a plain True that Python can directly understand?
same goes when getting a value from a table, say, and int that have to be addressed the same way, returning, for example,
[<Record rowname=5>]
returns list of records, one record for each returned row.
result = await conn.fetch(my_query)
# print the value of column 'exists' of the first row (number 0)
# print the value of the first column of the first row
Read more about asyncpg.Record.