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Using explicit Many to Many Relation in Prisma

I have the following User and Group models that share a many-to-many relation:

    model User {
      id    String     @id @default(uuid())
      email String  @unique

      groups UsersGroups[]
    model Group {
      id String @id @default(uuid())
      name String

      users UsersGroups[]
    model UsersGroups {
      user     User    @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])
      userId   String  @map(name: "user_id")
      group      Group     @relation(fields: [groupId], references: [id])
      groupId    String  @map(name: "group_id")
      @@id([userId, groupId])

I'm having trouble using the connect API in Prisma to connect the users and groups. Here's what I have:

        where: {
          id: groupId,
        data: {
          users: {
            connect: => ({ id: })),
        include: { users: true },

That doesn't work and here is the error I'm getting in the console:

        Invalid `` invocation:
          where: {
            id: '64ce24c7-3054-42f2-b49f-4cdb52cf1bc7'
          data: {
            users: {
              connect: [
                  id: '0b3f4a51-0efe-4b0a-8763-e71bc8091b86'
          include: {
            users: true
        Unknown arg `id` in for type UsersGroupsWhereUniqueInput. Available args:
        type UsersGroupsWhereUniqueInput {
          userId_groupId?: UsersGroupsUserIdGroupIdCompoundUniqueInput

From that above, it looks as though it's attempting to connect a user with id: '0b3f4a51-0efe-4b0a-8763-e71bc8091b86' (which is a user that exists) to the group with id: '64ce24c7-3054-42f2-b49f-4cdb52cf1bc7' (which also exists).

I'd be very grateful if someone could point out where I'm going wrong as I've been going in circles with this for a while now...


  • You are using an explicit many-to-many relation, cf.

    I.e. you have defined the model UsersGroups yourself. As a consequence, you would have to manage/create the records in this table yourself and connect it with the entry in the third table, e.g. like this (haven't tested it):{
      where: {
        id: groupId,
      data: {
        users: { create: { user: { connect: { id: userId } } } },
      include: { users: true },

    or if you want to loop over an list:{
      where: {
        id: groupId,
      data: {
          users: {
            create: => ({
              user: { connect: { id: } },
      include: { users: true },

    I would suggest to replace groups UsersGroups[] and users UserGroups[] with userGroups UsersGroups[] in the schema to make it clearer.

    As an alternative to explicit relationships you could try to use implicit many-to-many relations in the schema like this:

        model User {
          id    String     @id @default(uuid())
          email String  @unique
          groups Group[]
        model Group {
          id String @id @default(uuid())
          name String
          users User[]
