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Get all git commit messages by tag does not work for production tag

I'm trying to retrieve a list of commits since the last commit with tag production. Given the following commits:

cd45ab  Some message 7      
a43fe7  Some message 6      #2.1.2
c34cf9  Some message 5
2ef4f5  Some message 4      #2.1.1
ab43ac  Some message 3
63ba2c  Some message 2      #2.1.0 #production
be461d  Some message 1

And when using the command git log 2.1.0..HEAD --pretty=format:"%s", I receive a list consisting of commit messages 2 up to and including 7, which is what I expected.

However, when using git log production..HEAD --pretty=format:"%s", I receive an seemingly unfiltered list of commit messages including commit message 1 and hundreds of earlier commits.

As commit 2 is both tagged with 2.1.0 and production, I would have expected to be able to use the production tag as well. Would anyone know why this isn't working? My goal is to create a changelog of all the commits since the last commit tagged with production.


  • You spotted your first issue : your local production tag is not up to date.

    It looks like you use a moving tag to spot your production commit. By default, most git commands will not overwrite your local tags, so a simple git fetch will not auto update your local copy of refs/tags/production.

    You can explicitly force fetch it :

    git fetch --force origin production
    git fetch --force --tags    # this one will force update all your local tags

    you can also add a refspec to instruct git to do it on every git fetch :
    in the .git/config, spot the section [remote "origin"], and add an extra line

    fetch = +refs/tags/production:refs/tags/production