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firebase deploy error, Error: Failed to list functions for (project name)

I am hosting my web application in Firebase and I have been deploying it with Gitlab CI/CD and it has been working just fine! But today for some reason I am getting this error when the pipeline is working

56Error: Failed to list functions for project-name

This is the command that I run in the pipeline

firebase deploy --only hosting --non-interactive --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN

This is the error I am getting

deploying hosting
50i  hosting[project-name]: beginning deploy...
51i  hosting[project-name]: found 39 files in dist/dev
52i  hosting: hashing files [34/39] (87%)
53i  hosting: upload complete
54✔  hosting[project-name]: file upload complete
55i  hosting[project-name]: finalizing version...
56Error: Failed to list functions for project-name

Kindly note that the command is working up to the point where it says "finalizing version..." then it stops.

What could be causing this error?


  • My firebase tools version was 11.14.0. I changed that to 11.13.0. Installed this specific version through npm install -g firebase-tools@11.13.0. After that, I could successfully deploy.