I am doing joining in flink and I am getting exceeded the 80 characters length limit and was truncated.
Table tr = tableEnv.sqlQuery("select " +
" coalesce(a.id, b.id) id," +
" coalesce(a.item, b.item) item," +
" a.amount as revenue," +
" b.amount as profit" +
" from " +
" (select * from tableA" +
" where type='revenue') a" +
" full outer join " +
" (select * from tableA" +
" where type='profit') b" +
" on a.id=b.id, a.item=b.item");
I am not sure how to resolve this. Is there any limit of character in joining?
I suspect you are seeing this warning:
The operator name {} exceeded the {} characters length limit and was truncated.
You can safely ignore this. This just means that label you see in the web UI won't show the complete SQL join.