I have an issue related to scraping date from a website using python and Beautifulsoup like there I am facing the splitting issue where .split('.', "")
is not working on scraping only date from this p tag <p class="text-xs">Oct 24, 2017 • 4 min read</p>
Actually I don't want this dot and 4 min read from this p tag
Published_Date = soup.select_one('p[class="text-xs"]').get('datetime')
The bold big dot •
is different that .
dot you are using in split() method.
So replace the bold big dot with a symbol and split that symbol and take the first value using list slicing
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html ='''
<p class="text-xs">Oct 24, 2017 • 4 min read</p>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'html.parser')
date = soup.select_one('p.text-xs').get_text(strip=True)
Oct 24, 2017