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Template class static string member not initialized correctly

I am trying to create a simple wrapper around glib2.0's GVariant.

I imagined to have a templated class that would be used to derive a format string of GVariant's type:

template <typename T>
struct Object
    static const std::string format_string;

For now I have hard-coded basic integral types and string and determined the way to derive arrays and dictionaries as follows:

// Integral types
template <>
const std::string Object<uint8_t>::format_string{"y"};

// String
template <>
const std::string Object<std::string>::format_string{"s"};

// Array
template <typename T>
struct Object<std::vector<T>>
    static const std::string format_string;
template <typename T>
const std::string Object<std::vector<T>>::format_string{
  "a" + Object<T>::format_string};

// Dictionary
template <typename K, typename V>
struct Object<std::map<K, V>>
    static const std::string format_string;
template <typename K, typename V>
const std::string Object<std::map<K, V>>::format_string{
  "{" + Object<K>::format_string + Object<V>::format_string + "}"};

For tuple i use the following string deduction method:

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::string derive_string()
    if constexpr (sizeof...(Ts)) {
        return Object<T>::format_string + derive_string<Ts...>();
    } else {
        return Object<T>::format_string;

// Tuple
template <typename... Ts>
struct Object<std::tuple<Ts...>>
    static const std::string format_string;

template <typename... Ts>
const std::string Object<std::tuple<Ts...>>::format_string{
  "(" + derive_string<Ts...>() + ")"};

However, when I try to debug-print the format_string member of each Object class

using IntArray = std::vector<int>;
using IntStrMap = std::map<int, std::string>;
using Int_Double_Bool = std::tuple<int, double, bool>;
using Int_IntStrMap_Bool = std::tuple<int, IntStrMap, bool>;
using Int_IntDoubleMap = std::tuple<int, std::map<int, double>>;

std::cout << "bool type:\n  " << Object<bool>::format_string
          << "\nuint8_t type:\n  " << Object<uint8_t>::format_string
          << "\nint16_t type:\n  " << Object<int16_t>::format_string
          << "\nuint16_t type:\n  " << Object<uint16_t>::format_string
          << "\nint32_t type:\n  " << Object<int32_t>::format_string
          << "\nuint32_t type:\n  " << Object<uint32_t>::format_string
          << "\nint64_t type:\n  " << Object<int64_t>::format_string
          << "\nuint64_t type:\n  " << Object<uint64_t>::format_string
          << "\ndouble type:\n  " << Object<double>::format_string
          << "\nstring type:\n  " << Object<std::string>::format_string
          << "\n[int] type\n  " << Object<IntArray>::format_string
          << "\n{int: str} type\n  " << Object<IntStrMap>::format_string
          << "\n(int, double, bool) type\n  "
          << Object<Int_Double_Bool>::format_string
          << "\n(int, {int: str}, bool) type\n  "
          << Object<Int_IntStrMap_Bool>::format_string
          << "\n(int, {int: double}) type\n  "
          << Object<Int_IntDoubleMap>::format_string;
          << std::endl;

I get the following:

bool type:
uint8_t type:
int16_t type:
uint16_t type:
int32_t type:
uint32_t type:
int64_t type:
uint64_t type:
double type:
string type:
[int] type
{int: str} type
(int, double, bool) type
(int, {int: str}, bool) type
(int, {int: double}) type

As it is seen from the last two object printouts, the tuple that includes types that were used somewhere else ({int: str}) is derived correctly, while the one that does not ({int: double}), are not.

What am I doing wrong here?


  • With C++17, you might simply do:

    template <typename... Ts>
    const std::string Object<std::tuple<Ts...>>::format_string{
      "(" + (Object<Ts>::format_string + ... + "") + ")"};

    which solves the issue with gcc Demo

    But problems still exists for clang (even for std::vector<int>).

    I suspect Static Initialization Order Fiasco.

    Using functions instead of previous/cached results works for both compilers:

    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<bool>) { return "b"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint8_t>) { return "y"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint16_t>) { return "n"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<int16_t>) { return "q"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<int32_t>) { return "i"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint32_t>) { return "u"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<int64_t>) { return "x"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<uint64_t>) { return "t"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<double>) { return "d"; }
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::string>) { return "s"; }
    template <typename T>
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::vector<T>>)
        return "a" + make_string(std::type_identity<T>{});
    template <typename K, typename V>
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::map<K, V>>)
        return  "{" + make_string(std::type_identity<K>{})
                    + make_string(std::type_identity<V>{}) + "}";
    template <typename... Ts>
    std::string make_string(std::type_identity<std::tuple<Ts...>>)
        return  "(" + (make_string(std::type_identity<Ts>{}) + ... + "") + ")";
    template <typename T>
    struct Object
        static const std::string format_string;
    template <typename T>
    const std::string Object<T>::format_string = make_string(std::type_identity<T>{});
