Trying to convert bmp file from 24-bit to 16-bit bmp by ImageMagick and ViX 統合画像ビュアー. This is the same as the thumbnail in my images, but in hex content is not my expected. And the question I ask because I have to covert these 16-bit bmp files to a .spr (Sprite image file) for MMORPG Game(Lineage 1).
ImageMagick Command
convert '24_bit.bmp' -alpha off -define bmp:subtype=RGB565 '16_bit.bmp'
ViX 統合画像ビュアー
Use GUI windows to decreasing color to Highcolor(16bit)
Result presenting (Red background will been transparent in Game)
BMP Hex Compare
The difference is that ImageMagick, by default, writes a v5 BMP, whereas your program has written a v3 BMP.
To make ImageMagick write the older BMP3 format, prefix your output filename with BMP3:
like this:
convert input.bmp -alpha off -define bmp:subtype=RGB565 BMP3:output.bmp