I have a variables.tf file that has the following contents:
variable "thing_configuration_set" {
default = {
"name" = "customer1"
"projects" = [
"name" = "project1"
"things" = [
"name" = "device1"
"fw_version" = "1.0"
"fw_type" = "generic_device"
"thing_type" = "default_device"
variable "iot_policy" {
type = string
sensitive = true
locals {
customer_list = distinct(flatten([for idx, customer in var.thing_configuration_set :
"customer" : customer.name
project_list = distinct(flatten([for idx, customer in var.thing_configuration_set :
flatten([for project_idx, project in customer.projects :
"customer" = customer.name
"project" = project.name
thing_list = flatten([for idx, customer in var.thing_configuration_set :
flatten([for project_idx, project in customer.projects :
flatten([for thing in project.things :
"customer" = customer.name
"project" = project.name
"thing" = thing
thing_types = distinct(flatten([for idx, record in local.thing_list :
"thing_type" = record.thing.thing_type
iot_policy_json = base64decode(var.iot_policy)
And then another tf file that defines all the resources needed to setup an IoT thing in aws:
resource "aws_iot_thing_group" "customer" {
for_each = { for idx, record in local.customer_list : idx => record }
name = each.value.customer
resource "aws_iot_thing_group" "project" {
for_each = { for idx, record in local.project_list : idx => record }
name = each.value.project
parent_group_name = each.value.customer
resource "aws_iot_thing" "thing" {
for_each = { for idx, record in local.thing_list : idx => record }
name = "${each.value.customer}_${each.value.project}_${each.value.thing.name}"
attributes = {
bms_fw_version = each.value.thing.bms_fw_version
bms_type = each.value.thing.bms_fw_type
thing_type_name = each.value.thing.thing_type
resource "aws_iot_thing_group_membership" "thing_group_membership" {
for_each = { for idx, record in local.thing_list : idx => record }
thing_name = "${each.value.customer}_${each.value.project}_${each.value.thing.name}"
thing_group_name = each.value.project
resource "aws_iot_thing_type" "thing_type" {
for_each = { for idx, record in local.thing_types : idx => record }
name = "${each.value.thing_type}"
resource "aws_iot_certificate" "things_cert" {
active = true
resource "aws_iot_thing_principal_attachment" "cert_attachment" {
for_each = { for idx, record in local.thing_list : idx => record }
principal = aws_iot_certificate.things_cert.arn
thing = aws_iot_thing.thing[each.key].name
resource "aws_iot_policy" "policy" {
name = "connect_subscribe_publish_any"
policy = local.iot_policy_json
resource "aws_iot_policy_attachment" "thing_policy_attachment" {
policy = aws_iot_policy.tf_policy.name
target = aws_iot_certificate.things_cert.arn
Since we have quite a few resources in AWS already I tried importing them. But when I do terraform plan
it still wants to created these 'successfully' imported resources.
For example:
terraform import aws_iot_thing_group.customer Customer1
Would return:
Import successful!
The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.
If I then run terraform plan
it will still list that it will create this customer:
# aws_iot_thing_group.customer["0"] will be created
+ resource "aws_iot_thing_group" "customer" {
+ arn = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ metadata = (known after apply)
+ name = "Customer1"
+ tags_all = (known after apply)
+ version = (known after apply)
What am I doing wrong? Is this a bug in terraform?
From what I've seen (very new to terraform) this state only works when you define the resource directly, without any generated stuff (like for-each etc).
As per @luk2302 (h/t) comment and documentation [1], the correct import command is (since it is being run in PowerShell):
terraform import 'aws_iot_thing_group.customer[\"0\"]' Customer1