I encountered a really weird issue in TS.
Imagine we have an optional value?: string
then simple check if value exists
if (value == null) {
console.log(typeof value); // string
(we don't care about empty string)
So it means this will ensure the compiler knows that type of optional variable is a string after our check.
If we introduce some helper function let's say isEmpty
function isEmpty(value: any): boolean {
return value == null;
And now if I create exact same setup as before instead of null check we will use our custom helper
if (isEmpty(value)) {
console.log(typeof value); // string | undefined
How can I modify that helper function in order to let the compiler know that value was already tested for possible undefined? I know that its possible to use type casting but then it no longer make sense for me to introduce helper functions like this.
What are your ideas?
Your function needs a type predicate.
function isEmpty(value: any): value is null {
return value == null;