I have a question about my code. It is about the layer in MLP. I set the layers in list with class, such that
class Linear:
def __init__(self, n, m, i = Flase):
class ReLU:
def __init__(self)
And in other class I append the class in List
class MLP:
def __init__(self, features):
for i, (n, m) in context):
layers += [Linear(n, m, i==0), ReLU()]
return layers
Then I try to use the layer in "layers" list in other class, so how can I use the parameter I stored before. (Exactly in "n" and "m" in Linear class) I write the code that
for i in range(len(layers)):
if isinstance(layers[i], Linear):
And Next line I want to use the parameter in Liner class which is "n" and "m". Is their any solution with it?
From what I was able to understand of your question, you want to assign some attributes to a class instance in it's constructor and then you want to be able to access those attributes afterwards.
Here is an example of how you might do that.
class Linear:
def __init__(self, n, m):
self.n = n # make instance attributes using self
self.m = m
layers = []
for (n, m) in context:
layers += [Linear(n, m)]
for i in range(len(layers)):
if isinstance(layers[i], Linear):
var = layers[i]
print(var.m) # <--- use the obj.attr syntax to get the attributes