I have created a tileset from a LAS point cloud. It contains a main Data folder with many subfolders and a tileset.json descriptor file. The pointcloud data is stored in .pnts files.
I can load and display this data using cesium.js.
My pointcloud has about 53M points and it results in a 970MB folder structure with ~21k files.
For better performance and portability, I would like to store my tileset in a .3dtiles file (which is an sqlite database), just like Cesium Ion stores it.
Are there some tools available to do this conversion?
You can use https://github.com/CesiumGS/3d-tiles-tools
To generates a sqlite database for a tileset
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js tilesetToDatabase ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/tileset.3dtiles
To serve 3D Tiles from sqliteDB you can use