I am working with step functions and lambdas.I have read documentation how to do retries on various exceptions, but i didn't able to find what if i have created custom exception in python lambda and if that exception is raised how to use that exception in stepfunction retry block like this:
"ErrorEquals": [
suppose my lambda has following custom exception:
except Exception as e:
raise MYEXCEPTION(f"my custom exception{e}")
how to do retry in step function , something which i expect is :
"ErrorEquals": [
If my python lambda gives this custom exception please retry in step function, for that i need to understand how to match it in ErrorEquals in retry block.
Your expectation is correct, the catch block will look like
"ErrorEquals": [ "MYEXCEPTION" ]
Find more information here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/step-functions/latest/dg/tutorial-handling-error-conditions.html