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How to split csv column value using PowerShell

I have a csv columns that have multiple columns and I need to split a particular column called "Path" that look something like this

SharePoint\user\Documents\Desktop\PowerShell Scripts\Audit-Log-Script\.git\objects\ff\76e4656b4e0afa14ad3a6ea03fb6d40a5bb7c0
SharePoint\user\Documents\Desktop\PowerShell Scripts\Audit-Log-Script\Data\User_v512.csv

I'm just wondering how can I use the last backlash symbol for indicator. If there is a dot after the last backlash then it's a "File" if there no dot then, it's a "Folder"

I'm trying to for loop each row, create a new column called "Type" that will store "File" and "Folder" value and export it to the new csv file.

I'm stuck so any help or suggestion would be really appreciated.

foreach($CSVLine in $CSVImport){
    $CSVLine | 
        Select-Object -Property *,
                Name = 'Type'; 
           # Not sure how to do if else statement here to pass either "File" or "Folder" value
                Expression = {($_.Path -split "\")[-2]} \
$Result |
    Format-Table -AutoSize


  • The Path Class can help you determine if the path has an extension or not using it's GetExtension method. Using both paths provided in your question as an example:

    SharePoint\user\Documents\Desktop\PowerShell Scripts\Audit-Log-Script\.git\objects\ff\76e4656b4e0afa14ad3a6ea03fb6d40a5bb7c0
    SharePoint\user\Documents\Desktop\PowerShell Scripts\Audit-Log-Script\Data\User_v512.csv
    '@ | ConvertFrom-Csv | Select-Object @{
        Name       = 'Type'
        Expression = { if([IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Path)) { return 'File' } 'Directory' }
    }, Path

    The final code would be:

    Import-Csv path\to\myCsv.csv | Select-Object @{
        Name       = 'Type'
        Expression = { if([IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Path)) { return 'File' } 'Directory' }
    }, Path | Format-Table -AutoSize

    As mklement0 notes in his helpful comment, Split-Path includes the -Extension parameter on PowerShell Core 7+:

    Import-Csv .\test.csv  | Select-Object @{
        Name       = 'Type'
        Expression = { if(Split-Path -Extension $_.Path) { return 'File' } 'Directory' }
    }, Path