I wanted to write the simplest possible function which let me return the desired value in a nameless table and, ideally, it should be something like this:
function RL_MyTool:Version(n)
return {"0.4.0", "20221003-0230", "13.5.5"}[n]
But, of course, that's not allowed in Lua...
So, off the top of my head, I can think on these two other possibilities:
function RL_MyTool:Version(n)
local t = {"20221003-0230", "13.5.5"}
return t[n] or "0.4.0"
function RL_MyTool:Version(n)
local n, t = n or 1, {"0.4.0", "20221003-0230", "13.5.5"}
return t[n]
Both of them slightly different from each other but doing the same, counting with the advantage of returning a default value if no argument is given, which is good. BUT... Do you think I could still have a possibility of writing it like in the very simplest fashion way above? Basically, what I'd like is not even have to use a single variable or table declaration along the function but still let me return the specified table entry when called.
Well, that's all. Of course if it's finally not possible (as I'm afraid) it won't be the end of the world 🙄, but I wanted to be sure I wasn't missing any Lua trick or something that let me do it more like I firstly imagined... Thanks!
P.S. Oh, I don't see how, but of course if it could be achieved without the necessity of even using a table at all, that would be equally valid or even better.
EDIT: BTW, for the record and based in @Piglet (great!) answer, I got to reduce it even more this way:
function RL_MyTool:Version(n)
return ({"0.4.0", "20221003-0230", "13.5.5"})[n or 1]
Improving code usability/maintenance a bit at the same time by avoiding duplicated values... Kind of a win-win-win 😁
Just put the table in parenthesis.
function RL_MyTool:Version(n)
return ({"0.4.0", "20221003-0230", "13.5.5"})[n] or "0.4.0"
But what is the purpose of this? Code should be easy to read and easy to work on. There is absolutely no reason to not use a local table. You don't have to pay a dollar for each line of code.